Saturday, 30 September 2017

Do you think that only fools and horses work?

Today’s English
September 30th, 2017

If you are not the only person to be considered in a particular situation,  the world may neglect you that you are “not the only pebble on the beach.  The same applies to an important thing as well.  In the same situation, people use the expression, “you are not the only fish in the sea.”
1.Ragul is not willing to join us in this project. Leave him. He's not the only fish in the sea.
2.If this plan doesn't work out, I have another one.  Remember that this is not the only pebble in the beach.

But if a particular person or thing is the only one worth considering, we use the expression, “the only game in the town.”
1.He strongly believed that his boss would select him as the team leader because he was the only game in the town.
2.Do you think that this is the only way to solve the problem? Yes, it's the only game in the town.

Have you seen people who would like to make money by easy means, not by working hard for a long time?  Such people always say that “only fools and horses work.” 
1.Why did you resign your job? Only fools and horses work and I have found a different way of investment strategy to make millions quickly.
2.Don't you believe in hard work? Not at all. Only fools and horses work.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
-Mark Twain

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