Sunday 18 November 2018

An Introduction to ELT

16. What is instructional design?
A teaching plan with predetermined objectives,  teacher learner roles and class room activities is called is called instructional design.

17. What are the three important components in ELT?  Explain
Approaches,  Methods and techniques are the three core areas of ELT.  The ideas, beliefs and theories of ELT are called approaches to language learning. If you say that conditioning and the relation between stimulus and response leads to learning,  it’s behaviorist theory/approach of/to language learning.  If you believe that understanding the mental processes  will lead to better understanding of processes of learning,  that is cognitive approach to language learning. Lexical, notional-functional,  communicative, situational, natural and eclective  approaches are other approaches to ELT.

The ways of putting theories into practice are called Teaching methods which are sub domains, suitable for a particular approach and have objectives.  Teaching methods are four kinds :
A.  Structural methods
B.  Situational methods
C.  Interactive methods
D.  Natural Methods

The activities are strategies adopted in the classroom by the teacher are the techniques, third component of ELT arising at the execution level.   For example,  to think that doing something for healthy body is an essential part of our life is our approach (1) to life.  You can do yoga,  go for a walking, engaging yourself in sports activities or taking only hygienic food are methods (2) based on your approach to better life. Doing different yoga aasanas are techniques(3), activities arising at the execution level.

18. What is the difference between grammar translation method and audio lingual method of Teaching a language?
The deductive way of learning the target language with constant reference to one’s mother tongue is called Grammar Translation Method.  But the method of learning  language, based on structuralist psychology with no reference to mother tongue is known as audio lingual method. 
Main differences between GTM and ALM are:

A) Constant use of L1 -----      no use of L1

B)Only reading and writing skill involved ------    main focus on speaking and listening

C)Translation,  vocabulary building,  reading literature --------         dialogue , rote memorization, repetition and drilling of patterns

19. What is situational method of language teaching?
The method of learning language by teaching structures in situations,  not as isolated one is called situational language teaching. This is the method of applied linguistics in contrary to structuralist linguistics. If you say “black board “ that is structuralistic approach but if you say “look at the black board” that is situational approach . Here also only target language is used but no drilling of patterns is done.

20 . What are the interactive language teaching methods?
A) Direct method: Teach the language directly in the target language ,  don’t teach about the language . Make them think in the target language.  Don’t give grammar rules,  just make them directly communicate by asking and answering questions . 

B)Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) : Interaction (communication )is both the means and goal of learning language.  No textbook is prescribed but work sheet, tasks,  hands out are used to create opportunities for learning through interaction with others. Presentation , Practice and Production are its components. (activities : Role play,  Pair work, interview,  group activity,  information gap and scavenger hunt)

C)Language Immersion : Using both L1 and L2 in learning language and other subjects is known as language immersion bases on bilingualism.  .

D)The Silent Way : (by Caleb Gattengo) Teacher should be silent and the students should talk more.  Teaching should be subordinate to learning.  Teacher  should be a helper,  not be a hindrance in the process of language learning.  Trial and error,  constant assessment,  deliberate experimenting and no formal test are salient features of this method.

E)Suggestopedia : (by Georgi Lozanov ) Enjoyable and musical environment should be created by the teacher to make the student comfortable for language learning.  It has four stages:

Deciphering : foreign language on the left side and translation on the right side are given for better understanding.

Active and Passive concert session : Grammar and text are taught inductively through songs and games.  Students listen to music and repeat. 

Elaboration : content is elaborated through tasks in chorus.  Students finish off with songs and games at last and produce their content without feeling they have learnt.

Thus production happens automatically.

F)Total Physical Response – (by  James Asher)  Learn by doing.  It’s based on how a child learns her L1 in a stress-free manner. Use the right hemisphere of the brain.  This method suitable for young language learner,  not for adult or aged learner. Having all directions from teacher,  teacher centred it is.

G)TPR Storytelling – (developed by Blaine Ray)  Teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling involves three steps.
  Step1: write three new structures on the board,  translate and repeat to internalize.

Step 2 (spoken class story) : Tell personalised stories with these structures with short grammar explanations( pop up grammar)

Step 3: Ask students read stories in the class and at home and discuss. (The selected three structures should be repeated at least 100times for internalising )

22.What’s  the Natural Approach in ELT?
It’s a teaching method developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell based on the natural way a child learns a language.  No textbook, no error correction and conscious grammar emphasis is done. Teacher uses only L2 but the learner,  both. 

Stage 1: (comprehension)  Make the learner understand the vocabulary in TL. 

Stage 2:( Early speech.)  Let them speak small words and phrases and answer shortly,  yes or no. 

stage 3: (speech emergence)Role play,  dialogue, presentation and problem solving exercises are given once the language emerges from them. The teacher has to be patient till the language emerges naturally from the student.

Friday 16 November 2018

Assessment on Writing Skill

Sample writing:

“Say Goodbye to Plastics “

To think of plastic-free world is a joy for ever.  Men may go and men may come but plastics once used will go on for ever as a threat to living and non-living things on earth. Plastic spoils the soil to a great extent that the earth becomes bankrupt of all its properties.  See the sea,  plastic waste makes it unfit for its own residents.  Isn’t it  a Comedy if we don’t find for it a remedy?

Don’t say,  operation is success but patient died! “  First, say NO to industries that produce plastics .  “Live without plastics, or die with plastics. “ is what Times Now says now.  Why go to shops empty-handed!  Why can’t carry cloth bags or jute bags that can reduce your sin of embracing plastics?  Why can’t teachers and social reformers turn into social Bhudhas to enlighten people with this awareness? Charity begins at home.  As an individual,  what are you going to do now?

Assessment :
The first paragraph analyses the issue while the second one offers some solutions. 
What is the main idea of the paragraph?  The consequences of using plastics and solutions.
What is the topic sentence of the first paragraph? To think of plastic-free world is a joy for ever. The second sentence says why plastic-free world is necessary . The next two sentences explain the consequences. The last sentence in the first paragraph insists the urgency for finding a solution and thereby being a concluding sentence and at the same time making a link to the following paragraph that talks about solution.

Instead of asking people not to use plastics (in the way asking people not to smoke),  the government has to close and seal the factories  that manufacture plastics.  This is implied in the first sentence of the second paragraph and explained in the second sentence.  Then other solutions are given one after another but in rhetorical questions which carry answers within.   Are the ideas not developed in an impressive way here driving home the points discussed ? Apparent use of linkers may not be necessary sometimes, if the coherence is not missing.

When the paragraph was given to another group of teacher -trainees and asked for feedback,  they gave something similar to the following :
1.There is relevance to the structure and content.
2.Linkers  are not used.
3.The topic Sentence or ideas are not developed well.
4.It’s written in an enjoyable way but there is no coherence.

What’s your feedback for this feedback?

Try to find answers in general for the following :
1.When do we assess our students- during the process . Progress or after the product of writing,   especially in evaluating assignments and test papers?

2. Is evaluation itself a myth?  If TRB that assessed the knowledge of literature of English faculty is reconducted now for those who got selected in 2006, will they score the same?   After 12 years,  they are supposed to halve more knowledge and experience as a teacher. Then why does evaluation system fail here?  If the evaluation score and your certificate is valid only for a particular period of time,  as told for IELTS, what is the value of 10th, +2, diploma and degree certificates?  

3. Is the knowledge of the student evaluated or his skill?  If we evaluate  both knowledge and skills,i.e, both in theory and practical exams,  why do most of students pass practical exams but have many arrears in theory exam?  Do they have skill without knowledge? The student who passes English practical exam fails in English theory exam.  Does it mean that he had communication skills but no knowledge of grammar or English? If English is not a knowledge,  but four skills,  why should we have two theory exams for English? Is evaluation a myth?

Thursday 15 November 2018

Explain “Flipped Classroom”

Flipped classroom is a new strategy of student centered learning in which students gain knowledge of the subject at home through watching videos and come prepared to the class where they actively interact with peers and teacher and clarify and apply the knowledge. The significant difference between traditional classroom and the flipped classroom is that in the former  teacher is the active speaker and students are passive listeners but in the latter it reverses – students interact with peers in group and with teacher and learns more deeply,  being an active participant in learning. Information transfer can take place outside the class but information assimilation,  in the class. Allison King’s  “ From the Sage On the stage to the Guide on the Side”, Eric Mazur ‘s “Peer Instruction” and Salmon Khan’s Khan Academy are all based on the idea of Flipped Classroom.

How to implement the concept of flip classroom in your educational institution?

Topic: Use of Homophones
Time: 1 hour
Student strength : 60
Objective : To enable the students understand homophones distinctly and apply the knowledge to make sentences with the right homophones in real life situations.

Step 1
Ask the students to gain knowledge of homophones at home
(1)By watching YouTube videos on homophones
(2)By Collecting the list of frequently used 50 homophones
(3)By accessing online resource on the difference between homophones and homonyms

Step 2 (10 minutes)
On the next day,  divide the students in the classroom into 10 groups,  each having 6 members.

Give them the task:  Each group will be given one minute time.  Who writes more number of homophones without spelling mistakes will be the winner and will score marks accordingly 50, 40. 30, 20 and 10. (Only one in the group may write and others should assist.)

Step 3 (10 minutes)
Task :  Group 1 should say one homophone and group 2 has to say both homophones, their spelling and meaning.  If a group doesn’t answer, it will be passed to the next one.   Who says rightly will get the score 10 points. Each group has to get a chance to ask and answer.

Step 4 (10 minutes)
Task: Teacher should give a hand out with 5 questions with  homophones in brackets to each group. Members may discuss among them and find the answer..  Who finds answers for all questions first will get 50 points and the remaining in order of 40, 30, 20 and 10

Step 5 (20 minutes)
Task: The teacher may give any homophone and the targeted group’s any member has to make an example sentence with each homophone.  The members may give ideas and help in making into sentences.  Each right answer may be awarded with 10 points.  Passing the word to another group is same as in the other rounds.

Assessment of the Outcome : (10 minutes)

The teacher may assess their performance at the end,  offer suggestions and reward the winner with a small compliment.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Continuation of the Language Tour...

11.With the free tool known as Flubaroo, you can
A. Quickly grade multiple choice or fill- in -blank assignments
B.Email each student their grade and answer key
C.Create a language game for students
D.None of the above

12.Dave Abouav who created Flubaroo in 2012 is
A. An English teacher at a government school
B.A Google employee as well as a part time physics teacher
C.A chemistry teacher
D.A maths teacher

13.Which one of the following is not true of You Tube?
A. Three former PayPal employees launched it in 2005
B.Google bought YouTube for $1.65 billion in 2006
C.You tube is investing $20M towards educational content
D.You tube has started its own virtual university in China

14. Who presented the popular TED talk -"Do schools kill creativity? “
A. Steve Jobs
B.Larry page
C.Marc Prensky
D.Ken Robinson

15.Which one of the following is not written by Ken Robinson?
A. You,  Your Child and School
B.Creative Schools
C.Education to Better Their World
D.Finding Your Element

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Model Questions (6 to 10) on Methods of Teaching a Language

6.Hot potatoes is
A. A software to create interactive exercises for students
B.A software with six applications created by University of Victoria, Canada
C.The name of a Mobile App to teach English grammar
D.Only A and B are correct.

7.Who is the founder of Wikipedia started in 2001?
A. James Wales
B.Mark Zuckerberg
C.Chris Hughes
D.Jack Dorsey
8.Moodle is an acronym for
A. Modular open online developed learner’s experience

B.Modular object oriented deductive learning environment
C.Modular object oriented dynamic learning environment
D.Modular object oriented diverse learning environment

9.The first version of Moodle was released by Martin Douglamas in
A. 2000

10.How many blogs can be owned by a single user per account in blogger?
A. 10 blogs
B.100 blogs
C.25 blogs
D.50 blogs

Monday 12 November 2018

Model questions on Methods of Teaching a Language

1.Which one of the following is not found in “ direct mehod”?
A. Use of audio visual
B.Use of mother tongue
C.Interaction between teacher and student
D.Teaching grammar inductively

2.Which of the following statements is wrong about grammar translation method?
A. It’s taught deductively
B.Structure is ignored,  content is focused
C.It remains ever since teaching of Latin in 1500s.
D.Pronunciation is of less importance

3.Which is not true of Total Physical Response?
A. This method was developed by James Asher.
B.It’s comprehensive approach to language teaching.
C.It is based on how young children learn their first language.
D.Effective language learning must engage left hemisphere of the brain.

4. Asher believed that
A. You speak what you listen to.
B.Language learning should be stress -free
C.Grammar should not be taught explicitly
D.All the above

5.Caleb Gattegno’s language teaching method known as “The Silent Way” is based on:
A. Teacher should concentrate on how a student learns,  not on how to teach.
B.Imitation and drill are not the only means
C.Trial and error,  deliberate experimenting,  observing and constantly assessing but never conducting a formal test are the ways of the language teacher.
D.All the above.
1.B,    2. B,   3. D,  4.D,  5. D