Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to talk to your colleague and boss?

Life and Employability Skills
M- scheme

Experiment 8
1.Talk to your colleague working in the factory about the safety standards to be implemented in the factory after the visit of Inspector of Factories

Riyaz: Sorry to bother you Mr.Anand. Anything went wrong in our factory? I could see the visit of Safety inspector the other day.

Anand : Don’t think the other way Mr. Riyaz. It’s just their periodical visit.

Riyaz : Do you have any idea about how the Inspector reviewed our ESM ?

Anand: Yes, of course. I’m preparing the annual ESM report this year. The inspector says, our present ESM is not adequate.

Riyaz: What did he recommend to improve the safety standards?

Anand: He insisted to install Fire detectors with alarm system.

Riyaz: Of course, it’s essential.  What else?

Anand: We are going to set up emergency lifts for our factory.

Riyaz: Why is it necessary?

Anand: it’s mainly for rapid evacuation of incapacitated persons, especially during fire accidents.

Riyaz: Anything else?

Anand: We are planning to conduct a periodical Employers Health Care Camp to say goodbye to occupational diseases.

Riyaz: That sounds a nice safety measure! It’ll surely keep away lungs and skin diseases.

Anand: Yes Mr.Riyaz. Consideration of new fire resistant helmets, shoes, insurance packages and awareness programmes are also in the list to ensure OHS.  I’m sorry, it’s time to meet the manager.  Would you mind if we extend this discussion a little later?

Riyaz: Not at all. Thank you very much Mr.Anand. You've really awakened me.

Anand: It’s my pleasure!

(Note: ESM=Essential Safety Measures, OHS= Occupational Health and Safety)

2.Speak with your immediate boss about the progress you have made.

Sathya: Good morning sir. May I know why I’m called for?

Sales Manager: Good morning, Miss.Sathya. Please take your seat first.

Sathya: Thank you sir.

Manager: Can you give me few minutes of your time to discuss the sales of our new software?

Sathya: Sure sir. I’m glad to have a chance to talk about that.

Manager: How is the response from the clients?

Sathya: It’s so impressive sir. The sales has almost doubled in the second quarter.

Manager: Do you hope to achieve your sales target this year?

Sathya: Certainly sir. My sales target is 25000 units and till now, about 14000 are sold. I hope, I’ve almost won half the battle.

Manager: That is amazing. Did  You come across any issues on the way?

Sathya: Yes sir. We have received few complaints from some clients.

Manager: Tell me something about that.

Satyam: There is no compatibility issues.  As reported, the software has stopped working after a couple of weeks.

Manager: What have you done to address this issue?

Sathya: Our expert team has figured out the reason. It is trying its best to set right the issue soon.

Manager: Have you charted out new sales zones?

Sathya: Yes sir. We are planning to look for more overseas clients.

Manager: What about your progress in that?

Sathya: We’ve already identified some prospective multinational companies and introduced the product. We’re waiting for a favorable response.

Manager: Well done Miss.Sathya! You’ve made a big move. I see you in the next week in the general meeting.

Sathya: Thank you for your encouragement sir. I’m always at your service.

Are you a fifth wheel?

Today’s English
January 31st, 2017

Have you ever heard about the phrases “fifth wheel" and “half the battle”?  If not, it is time to know them now.  You really feel as a “fifth wheel", when you attend a meeting, function or a similar situation in which nobody cares about your presence.  They don’t ask you for your opinion.  You have no role to play.

1. Until the meeting was over, I had no chance to offer my opinions.  I was just a fifth wheel.
2. If you consider me a fifth wheel, why do you want me to be in your team?
3. Nobody recognised my presence. I felt like a fifth wheel.

The second phrase “half the battle" can be used when a significant progress is achieved in your goal.  It means, you got half of the victory. 
1. What about your project? Is it half the battle?
2. Marriage invitation and marriage hall are ready. It is almost half the battle.
3. What about the implementation of 7th pay commission in Tamil nadu? It’s not even half the battle.

( Ravi: She has asked for one week time to tell her love.
  Rajesh: Congratulations. You have won half the battle.)

Monday 30 January 2017

Errors in Using Date and Time

Today’s English
January 30th, 2017

Nowadays we are communicating with each other universally with the help of the Internet, Facebook, whatsapp and so on.  If you say that an incident happened on 5-8-2014, your communication might not be global.  Because to a Britisher, it will mean “August 5th, 2014” but to an American, it will be “May 8th, 2014”.  The confusion arises from the format they follow: date-month-year (England) and month-date-year (America). If your computer has inbuilt American dictionary, the same issue arises, especially when you type in excel sheet. Hence it is advisable to write, August 5th, 2014 rather than 5-8-2014.

Common errors in writing and speaking ( Date and Time)

1.Wrong: The internal test starts at 12 p.m.
Correct: The internal test starts at 12 noon.

2.Wrong: Suddenly I woke up at 12 a.m.
   Correct: Suddenly I woke up at 12 midnight.

3.Wrong: The meeting will be held at 4 P.M /10 A.M.
Correct: The meeting will be held at 4 p.m. /10 a.m. (always written in small letters)

4.Wrong : In 1600, (Reading: in thousand six hundred), there was no computer at all.
Correct: In 1600, (Reading: in sixteen hundred), there was….

5.Wrong: (Written) March 24th, 1986 (Reading) March twenty-fourth, nineteen eighty-six.
Correct: (Written) March 24th, (Reading) March the twenty-fourth, nineteen eighty-six.

Source: The Remedial English Grammar for Foreign Students by F.T.Wood

Sunday 29 January 2017

Have you ever jumped out of your skin?

Today’s English

When I watched some videos shared by my friends on whatsapp, I really jumped out of my skin. If I send the same video to you, no doubt, you will have raised eyebrows.  Because it is such a video that keeps everyone’s eyes on stalks.  I’m sure, you will remain struck dumb and say “words fail me". 

I hope, you learned five phrases in English and how to use them from the aforementioned expressions.

Yes, if you are extremely surprised by something, you can say, as follows:
1.I really jumped out of my skin to see that magic.

2.What a mind blowing performance! You have raised my eyebrows.

3.When police set fire to the vehicles, all had their eyes on stalks.

4.What an enthralling speech it is! I’m really struck dumb.

5.Words fail me, I don’t know how to comment on this.

(Every day, something or other, makes us jump out of our skin. Life is a fun, isn’t it?)

Friday 27 January 2017

Do you eat junk food everyday or every day?

Today’s English

Do you know, everyday and every day are different in English?
The word “everyday" is an adjective used only to describe a noun whereas “every day” is an adverb used to describe a verb.  The former means “regular, ordinary, common, day to day and normal" whereas the latter means “daily, or each day".

Examples: (everyday)
1.Nobody would attend a wedding wearing everyday clothes.
2.It’s my everyday work. Let me do it.
3.She is good at dealing with everyday problems of life.

Examples: (Every day)
1.They are meeting each other every day. (Daily)
2.Every day I spend at least 30 minutes to read a book.
3.Every day I go to gym. (Wrong: Everyday I go to gym.)

Now tell me.  Do you eat junk food everyday or every day?

Thursday 26 January 2017

Do you mind your Ps and Qs?

Today’s English
If you want to warn somebody to be careful about their behavior and words (because you don’t want any unwanted behavior from them) you can ask them to mind their Ps and Qs.

1.Mind your Ps and Qs Preethi, don’t talk like this anymore.
2.Please mind your Ps and Qs before talking to our principal. He expects respect.

Another expression related to it is “Out of character"  that you use when you see unusual behavior from someone.

1.Anandhi, what happened to you? It seems, you are out of character today.
2.I don’t expect this from you.  Why are you totally out of character today?

(Creative people think out of the box and often behave abnormally.  Do you mean, they are out of character? )

O What is That Sound, a Poem by W.H.Auden


Poem 3

O What is that sound by W.H. Auden

Text :

O what is that sound which so thrills the ear
Down in the valley drumming, drumming?
Only the scarlet soldiers, dear,
The soldiers coming.

O what is that light I see flashing so clear
Over the distance brightly, brightly?
Only the sun on their weapons, dear,
As they step lightly.

O what are they doing with all that gear,
What are they doing this morning, this morning?
Only their usual manoeuvres, dear,
Or perhaps a warning.

O why have they left the road down there,
Why are they suddenly wheeling, wheeling?
Perhaps a change in their orders, dear.
Why are you kneeling?

O haven't they stopped for the doctor's care,
Haven't they reined their horses, their horses?
Why, they are none of them wounded, dear,
None of the forces.

O is it the parson they want, with white hair,
Is it the parson, is it, is it?
No, they are passing his gateway, dear,
Without a visit.
O it must be the farmer who lives so near.
It must be the farmer so cunning, so cunning?
They have passed the farmyard already, dear,
And now they are running.

O where are you going? Stay with me here!
Were the vows you swore deceiving, deceiving?
No, I promised to love you, dear,
But I must be leaving.

O it's broken the lock and splintered the door,
O it's the gate where they're turning, turning;
Their boots are heavy on the floor
And their eyes are burning.

Interpretations: (Write in 100 words -3 marks)

1.Only the scarlet soldiers, dear,
The soldiers coming.

These lines are from W.H.Auden's “O What is that sound”. The ladylove is asking her lover about a drumming sound heard at a distance.  The lover replies to her that there is nothing to worry. Only scarlet soldiers are coming. The background of the poem is apparently wartime and the lady’s doubt reveals sense of insecurity in the life of modern people. British soldiers used to wear red uniforms in the 18th c. purposely to hide their wounds and bleeding from enemies. People are not what they appear to be, just as Shakespeare's Iago said, “I am not what I am.”

2.O haven't they stopped for the doctor's care,
Haven't they reined their horses, their horses?

W.H. Auden expresses the uncertainty of modern life in this way in his poem “O What is that sound".  An army is coming near the couple. The ladylove raises a doubt whether the soldiers have stepped down from their horses for doctor’s treatment.  But the lover replies that they are not at all wounded soldiers. Three interpretations are possible: (a) if moderners are mentally sick, wounds will be unnoticeable; (b) Perhabs, their wounds are masked by their red uniforms; (c) Or, wounds and doctor’s care just foreshadow the impending dangers to the couple.

3.  No, they are passing his gateway, dear,
    Without a visit.

In W.H.Auden's poem “O What is that sound", the lady asks a question whether the soldiers are looking for an experienced parson to give service to them. The lover denies that they are just passing the gateway of the church without visiting the Father.  The poet here indirectly questions the religious faith of modern people and the inability of religion to civilize or cure them. A parson is ready here but the soldiers, who represent moderners, have no interest to enter the church.

4. O where are you going? Stay with me here!

       This line is an extract from W.H.Auden's “O What is that sound”.  As the army comes closer to the couple, the lover is about to run away from the place. The lady implores him to stay with her.  She is asking whether all promises made by him are false. Anyhow the lover deserts her. Betrayal is a key theme in Auden's works and it is apparent in the given line. So far in all stanzas, the lover used the term “dear".  What does it really mean?  We cannot judge the true nature of moderners. Perhaps the lady does not know – “ Don’t judge a book by its cover?”.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Are you a chicken?

Today’s English

Cow and chicken are actually not what they are.  Look at the following sentences:
1. Don’t be a chicken. Tell your love to her.
2. Nobody submitted the record note and eventually my teacher had a cow.

I hope, now, you know the meaning.  Yes.  Instead of saying “being afraid", you can use the word “chicken" and, for  “be very angry and upset or greatly disappointed and worried" , you can try the expression, “to have a cow"

Examples: (chicken)
1. I’m not a chicken. (=Not afraid of). I’ll talk to the manager.
2. He’s a chicken.(=a coward).  He won’t do that.

Instances ( cow)
1. Don’t have a cow now.(Don’t be angry and upset). Let’s deal with him later.
2. All turned a deaf ear to me. And I really had a cow. (greatly disappointed and worried)

(Henpecked husbands are always chickens, aren’t they? )

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Do you walk your talk?

Today’s English
Mary was so angry with Peter because he didn’t walk his talk.

I hope, you guess the meaning of “walk his talk".

Tamil cine actor Mr. Rajinikanth used to tell in his earlier movies – “I always say what I will do and I will do what I say"

In English, there are two common expressions: “walk the talk” and “talk the walk"

1. He walked his talk. (=He did as he said / He kept his word).
2. Don’t worry I will walk my talk.

The phrase “talk the walk" means “speak what you will do"
1. Please talk the walk. (=please, say what you can really do)
2. A leader should talk his walk and walk his talk.

(Politicians always walk their talk, don’t they? )

Monday 23 January 2017

What do you mean by "rainmaker" or a piece of cake?

Today’s English:
Have you heard the phrases -rainmaker and a piece of cake.  Probably yes. But they mean a little more than what you mean. Check it out.

Rainmaker – a person who generates income for a business/company by attracting clients/funds

1. He is one of the senior rainmakers in our company.
2. You have to treat a person with due respect whether he is a person in the file room or a rainmaker.

A piece of cake – very easy

1. The exam was really a piece of cake.
2. What about your new project? Is it a piece of cake or Herculean task?

Experiment 7 : Describe a Product/Machine

Life and Employability Skill, M Scheme
Experiment 7
1.Describe the product you are about to launch in the market.

•Hi everybody! I’m Sathya here to give you the ABC of our new product Apple iPhone 8 that’s going to hit the market in the upcoming months.

•You are going to experience, for the first time, Edge to Edge display, of course, with no home button  in Apple iPhone 8.

•With a 5.5 inch screen, it is using the latest flexible OLED technology instead of LCD for enhanced contrast ratio and vibrant colours.

•As for speed and efficiency, it comes up with 10-nanometer A12 processor.

•It runs on Li-Ion 3000 mAh battery

•It features eye + fingerprint scanner, 16MP primary camera and 8MP front camera, with 3D-4k resolution.

•Another salient feature of this new flagship is its wireless charging technology supported by glass body.

•It’s operating system is iOS 12 and RAM is 4GB

•What’s so amazing is its internal memory that’s 256 GB

•Last but not least, it’s estimated price is to be about $1200.

2.Explain the function and efficiency of the machine manufactured in your company.

•Good morning sir. I’m Ranjith, sales representative from Leo Unique Products. I’m here to introduce a new machine specifically designed to serve your need.

•This is the new Jet Spray Paint Machine.

•It includes a base unit with carry belt, hose, and container with high pressure paint spray gun.

•It is easy to use; just pull the trigger and paint any surface you want to turn into as you dream.

•As the name speaks, it works like a jet. With this one can transform any space into a sensational showplace in just few minutes.

•It is ideal for all kinds of painting on flat wall, stucco, brick, paneling, concrete, wood, glass and all smooth surfaces.

•It saves your time and money and makes your dream home look smart.

•Its power consumption is just one unit per hour.

•It’s so easy to carry with just 2kg.

•It’s all in one machine and with this  you can paint, stain and varnish.

•Its price is, of course,  very cheap, just 3999 rupees. Why can’t you try it at now?

•That’s all about our new machine. Thank you.

Difference between behind time and behind the times

Today’s English:
Difference between “behind time" and “behind the times"
These two phrases, though they look similar, have entirely different meanings.
The former means “late" whereas the latter stands for “not aware of latest technologies or ideas" /old fashioned

1. He came behind time = He came late
2. Many teachers are still behind the times and use chalk and talk method.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Today's English 22-1-2017

The phrases I would like to share with you today are in the following sentences:
1. Any English teacher worth his salt won’t speak like this.
2. Our boss is really an alpha male.
The phrase “worth one’s salt” means “good at one’s job", capable of, efficient, deserving respect and worth one’s pay.
Example sentences:
1. He’s not worth his salt. Send him home.
2. Any principal worth his salt would solve this problem. Why can’t he?
The second phrase “alpha male" refers to “someone who is the most successful and powerful one, being in charge of others" It also stands for one who assumes a dominant role in a group.
More examples:
1. The president of our association, Mr. Muthukumar is really an alpha male.
2. He’s undoubtedly an alpha male in our group.

Friday 20 January 2017

How to introduce yourself and others?

Experiment 6

1.    Introduce yourself as a prospective candidate for the company while facing the interview.

Good morning sir. I’m Deepa from Thudiyalur,  Coimbatore.

I have completed my diploma in Computer Engg. stream with an aggregate of 90%.

My skill sets are C, C++, Java and networking.

My career objective is to get a platform where my knowledge and skills will work for the growth of the organisation.

My strength is self reliance and hard work. And my weakness is being too generous and helpful to others. Sometimes people take advantage of that.

My short term goal is to get placed in a reputed company. And my long term goal is making new programmes and applications in my stream.

I’m a good team worker, communicator and a socially responsible person.

My interests are browsing, reading books and listening to music.

I’m a strong believer of the phrase “Action speaks louder than the words".

I regard my father as my true source of inspiration.  He is the most honest person I have ever seen.

That’s all about me. Thank you sir.

2.   New Factory Manager has been appointed. Introduce him to all the employees.

Good morning to one and all present here.  I’m so delighted to introduce our new factory manager , Mr. Aravind to you.

First of all, on behalf of all the employees, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new production manager.

As for his education, he graduated from Madras University with first class honours in MBA in 2004.

With his excellent interpersonal skills and sound manufacturing plans, now, he has the world at his feet.

As for his experience, he served as Industrial Production Manager in Tata Motors from 2006 to 2010 where he created and implemented new production models.

Then he proved a real heavy hitter in Ashok Leyland from 2011 to 2014 and improved the manufacturing efficiency there by 40 per cent.

He is, no doubt, an alpha male, highly skilled in managing human and material resources.

He is good at implementing high quality standards in production

He is held in high esteem for his leadership and teamwork skills. 

Let us all extend our full support and cooperation and be in right lines with him in achieving his new production goals in our firm.  Thank you.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Essay on “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

Of the Writer and the Story

    The story “The Lady or the Tiger?” is from Frank R. Stockton, a 19th c. American writer. It is meant for children but its end is for mature audience, especially for those who are good at understanding women’s heart.  It is about a semi-barbaric king.  His ideas are polished –“Good should be rewarded and Evil should be punished.”  But his way of  justice to the accused is barbaric -with a tiger to tear or a lady to reward.

The Vast Arena as the Trial Place

The king had a built a vast arena that served to entertain the public and to administer justice.  The accused would be brought to this amphitheatre for trial.  He would have two choices. If he opened one door, a ferocious hungry tiger would jump upon him and tear him into pieces for his crime.  If he opened the other door, a beautiful lady would come out and marry him for his innocence.  The King’s judgement looks fair because it arises from impartial and incorruptible chance. 

King's Daughter and her Lover on Trial

The king had a daughter who loved a young handsome courtier.  He came to know the love affair and put the lover on Trial.  King's daughter bribed and found the secret -which door carried the Tiger and which one, the most beautiful lady.  But she was in a dilemma.  Whatever the door is opened, she would be the loser.  Moreover she was hateful and jealous of the lady in cage. On the appointed day, the lover looked for a signal from his sweetheart.  King's daughter showed the right door secretly and the lover opened it. 

The Mysterious End
It is an open-ended story and the writer did not tell who came out -the Lady or the Tiger? We do not know what happened to the handsome young man. Life is mysterious and we do not know what will happen next.  So is the end of the Story.  The writer asks us to be in the heart of the hot-blooded, semi barbaric princess and then find the answer. Which is powerful – her love, or her jealousy, or her semibarbarism? Who is clever – the king, or the princess, or the Writer, or the reader? Everything is open secret.

Questions and Answers:
1.Describe the semi-barbaric king.

The king's ideas are polished –“Good should be rewarded and Evil should be punished.”  But his way of  justice to the accused is barbaric -with a tiger to tear or,  a lady to reward. He uses his power to turn his fancies into facts.

2.How did he refine and culture the minds of his subjects? (Or) What was the choice given to the person on Trial? (Or) What happened if he opens the door having a lady behind?

The accused would have two choices. If he opened one door, a ferocious hungry tiger would jump upon him and tear him into pieces for his crime.  If he opened the other door, a beautiful lady would come out and marry him for his innocence.

3.Comment on the perfect fairness of the king's method of administering justice.

It is really not “perfect fairness” though it looks so. If his method is perfect, how was the princess able to find the secret by bribing? If he is really fair in justice, why doesn’t he put the princess in the other door in stead of another lady?

4.What happened when the king discovered his daughter's love affair? (Or) How did the audience react to the sight of the young man?

The king came to know the love affair and put the lover on Trial.  People assembled in great number and were much interested to know what would happen.  They had never seen such a trial before.

5.Describe the plight of the princess.

The princess was in a dilemma.  Whatever the door is opened, she would be the loser.  Her lover would be killed or marry another lady.   Moreover she was hateful and jealous of the lady in cage.

6.How did the young man know which door to choose?

On the appointed day, the lover looked for a signal from his sweetheart.  King's daughter showed the right door secretly and the lover opened it. 

7.What happened to the handsome young man at the end?

The writer did not tell who came out -the Lady or the Tiger. He asks us to be in the heart of the hot-blooded, semi barbaric princess and then find the answer. So the tiger might have killed the young man.

Monday 16 January 2017

Experiment 5 Making Polite Expressions as a Game

Life and Employability Skill Practical, M scheme

Experiment 5 as a game
Making Polite Expressions

Divide the students into groups, each with 6 to 8 members:

1.Hide and seek round
Teacher to provide a context and hide the right polite expression along with impolite ones.
 Each group will get one context.
 If the group fails to find the right one,  it will be passed to the next group only once. 
Score – 5 points
Timelimit – 1 minute (each group)

2.Parthiban Round
Teacher to provide a context as well as matching polite expression but with blanks.
For right answer 5 points, wrong answer 2 minus points,
If  Mission failed,  to be passed until mission completion
Time limit -1 minute

3.The Buddha round
Teacher to fix a context and supply an impolite expression that is to be corrected by the group
For suitable polite expression – 5 points
Time limit – 1 minute
Passing to be until target achieved

4.Madhavan Round (Iruthi Chutru)
Group A to provide a tough context for group B to answer. Similarly other groups.
Score – 5 points
No passing. If unanswered, the questioning group to reveal the answer and get the score.
Time limit 1 minute

Expected Results:
Enjoyable lab session
Students' interest to learn jumps up
Twenty or more contexts can be practiced
Teachers talk less, Students act more, learn more.

Polite Expressions (minimum 20)  made by the respective group members can be recorded in the record note with context.
Teacher to facilitate, by correcting, guiding, illustrating,  suggesting alternatives, by sharing other related expressions  and the like.
only one chance or maximum two chances only for any member in any group (to ensure participation of all students)
The loser group to offer a small gift to the winner group in the next class (Teacher is safe!)
Teachers can prepare questions for each round or they may utilise the following materials for their lab activities:

Hide and seek Round
1.Ram happened to see his teacher in the bazaar about 7 P.M, he first wished him,
A)Goodnight sir   B) Hi sir   C) Good morning sir   D) Good evening sir
2.Your friend invites you to her marriage, and you are expected to say
A)Well done. B) May God bless you. C) Congratulations D) Wish you all the best
3.How will you encourage your friend who tries to speak in English?
A)That’s a nice try! Go ahead. B) Not bad. C) It’s not our way D) You’re killing me
4.The teacher is cleaning the board. Ranjitha said,
A)I can clean sir  B) May I clean the board sir?  C) I want to hep you sir D) Preethi, you go and clean
5.You want to read the book your teacher is using in the class. You ask her,
A)Can I read that book madam? B) I want to see that book madam. C) Give me that book madam.  D) Would you mind if I read your book madam?
6.“Certainly, here you are.” – Uma responded like this,
A)When Deepa suggested a book. B) When Deepa congratulated her on her success. C) When Deepa asked for her book,  D) When Deepa advised her

Parthiban Round Round
1.Santhosh thanked his uncle for helping him complete the school  project. The uncle responded him “___________”.
2.You are not all my friend. I won’t talk to you hereafter.  Why don’t you come to my marriage? She demanded explanation. Her friend opened her heart and said, ___________________.
3.Sheela didn’t like the way her friend’s father talked to her. She politely complained, “I wish, you ____________ to hear from me against your father.
4.Excuse me. _____ I know where I can meet Mr. Praveen?
5.______________________ about our English teacher? Neela asked her friend for her opinion.
6.Arun couldn’t hear what the teacher said. So he requested to repeat it by saying, ____________.

The Buddha round
1.Kavitha's brother lost the seminal final. She said, “Congratulations”
2.She suggested her friend a new model chudi by saying, “I like it for you.”
3.He knows, his manager won’t permit him. Still he asked, “Will you allow me to go early, sir?
4.I prefer car than taxi.  What about you?  Asked my friend.
5.Karthick was not sure, so he said, “Our friend won’t come today.”
6.She warned him, “ I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”

For Madhavan Round (Final Round),
No material is necessary for the teacher since groups will do the activities among themselves. (See the game instructions)

1.1. D,  1.2.C,  1.3.A,  1.4.B, 1.5.D, 1.6.C
2.1 Welcome/most welcome, 2.2. I'm so sorry/ I'm extremely sorry, 2.3. Wouldn't mind 2.4. May, 2.5 What do you think/ what's your opinion, 2.6 I beg your pardon sir / Pardon sir/ Sorry sir, I couldn't hear you.
3.1 Dont worry. You really did well.
3.2. You would look smart in this. /Why can't you it?
3.3.Would you mind, if I go early sir?
3.4.I prefer car to taxi.
3.5. Our friend may not / might not come today.
3.6. If I were you

Experiment: 5 (for Record Note)


Making Expressions of Politeness Used in Communication

1. Context: How will you greet your friend?

Hi Reshma, how are you? What’s new with you?

2. Context: How will you greet someone during a festival?

Wish you a happy Pongal / Diwali / Christmas / New year / Ramzan.

3. How will you congratulate someone on his success?

That’s great. I’m proud of you, Vinitha. Congratulations. (Or)

Congrats. You have made a big move. What about treat?

4. How will you compliment /encourage someone?

Vow. You look really smart in this dress. /

That’s a nice try. Go ahead.

5. How will you offer help to someone?

May I help you? / What can I do for you? / Would you like to have my pen?

6. How to make a request politely?

Could you please bring me your book tomorrow? /

Would you mind opening the window, please?

7. How will you express gratitude?

Thank you / Than you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot.

I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Mohan.

8. How to apologize?

I’m very sorry. That’s entirely my fault. / Please,  forgive me for my words the other day. / Sorry to bother you madam. Can I remit my exam fees tomorrow?

9.  How to make complaints politely?

Well, I’m afraid. I have something to say against your son./ I wish, you wouldn’t mind if I point out your mistake.

10. How will you politely look for information?

Excuse me. May I know which time Mumbai express arrives here? / Do you have any idea about this book?

11. How will you ask for somebody’s opinion?

Have you got any comments on Surya's recent movie? / How would you react to current political scenario in Tamilnadu?


12. How will you offer your opinions?

In my point of view, it’s wrong./ As far as I’m concerned, it makes no difference. / I’m of the opinion that he’s right.

13. How will you ask someone to repeat what they say?

I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you./ Pardon sir./ I’m sorry. Would you mind saying that again?

14. How will you express your sympathy?

How unfortunate! Is he in hospital now? / You look upset. Has anything gone wrong? / I know how you feel. But don’t lose hope.

15. How will you offer your suggestions?

Why don’t we gift a watch? How about sending Ram instead of Venkat? That sounds a nice idea. Why can’t we try it?

16. How to seek permission politely?

May I go now sir? / Would you mind if I leave early madam?

17. How will you express your likes / preferences?

I would take a taxi rather than a bus. / I would love to watch “Saravanan Meenakshy”. I prefer to walk. What about you?

18. How to express possibilities?

He may get distinction this time. / I’m afraid, he may not be at home now. / I would be surprised if he joins with us today.

19. How to make warnings politely?

Mind your purse. Pickpockets are all around. / You had better not go this way. / I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

20. How to invite someone?

We are planning to go to Agra. Why don’t you join with us? / I would be pleased if you could attend my marriage next week.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Gift, a Poem by Alice Walker



He said: Here is my soul
I did not want his soul
but I am a Southerner
and very polite.
I took it lightly
as it was offered. But did not
chain it down.
I loved it and tended
it. I would hand it back
as good as new.

He said: How dare you want
my soul! Give it back!
How greedy you are!
It is a trait
I had not noticed
I said: But your soul
never left you. It was only
a heavy thought from
your childhood
passed to me for safekeeping.

But he never believed me.
Until the end
he called me possessive
and held his soul
so tightly
it shrank
to fit his hand.

Answer the following questions in a paragraph in about 100 words:

1.He said: Here is my soul
I did not want his soul

These lines are from “Gift" a free verse by Alice Walker.  The poem is personal and conversational in tone. Here, being racially discriminated Afro-American woman, she shows how her lover proposed his love seriously and sentimentally.  Her lover seems to be an emotionally half-baked love-sick guy. She knows very well that soon one day he will leave her and forget her. So she takes his words lightly. True love implies freedom, not slavery in the name of possessiveness. So she did not chain him like a dog.  She did not want his soul but respected his love and feelings.

2.He said: How dare you want
my soul! Give it back!
How greedy you are!

These lines are from Alice Walker's love poem “Gift".  Some days before, the lover, being a white American proposed the poet, a black woman.  He was so sentimental then and even gifted his soul to her.  Now, out of some misunderstanding, he boils with anger and wants his soul back.  It is actually he who proposed her first.  But now he says that she is so greedy enough to love such a high class American.  These lines reveal that love that expects, gets disappointed and disappears is not at all true love.

3.I said: But your soul
never left you. It was only
a heavy thought from
your childhood
passed to me for safekeeping.

Alice Walker has poured out these lines for her poem “Gift.”  This is simply an awakening reply by a ladylove to her angry lover.  The lover wants his gifted soul back. The ladylove replies that he has always kept his soul with him and his word the other day is only a child’s play.  He thought he loved her, but really didn’t.  Thoughts appear in head but true love feelings arise from heart. He gave his thought to her as if giving a precious object just to keep it safe.  Now he wants his thing back as it is. Is love a diamond necklace to keep in bank’s locker that is woman’s heart? The ladylove means that he never loved her at all.

4.it shrank
to fit his hand.

This is the closing line of the poem “Gift” by Alice Walker.  A lover was angry with his beloved and wanted his gifted soul back.  The lady retorted that he always held his soul with him and never loved her at all.  The lover was emotional, sentimental, egoistic and narrow minded.  So the lady said that he held his soul tightly in such a way that it started shrinking to fit his hand, like a sponge.  It is a witty reply by the lady that the lover would never love any girl in her life truly. He is actually selfish but he calls her a possessive lady.  The poet implies that true love should expand the soul rather shrinking to hand's size.

"The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth

Target Audience: Polytechnic Teachers and Students in Tamilnadu
Subject: English-2, II YEAR MOP, M SCHEME
Objective: Students should be able to interpret and explain a poem in English. 
Question Pattern in Exam: IV. Answer any THREE questions in a paragraph  each in 100 words : (3 x 5=15)
Four questions from 4 poems will be given in the exam and students should answer three questions in 100 words.
The Solitary Reaper
By William Wordsworth
Behold her, single in the field,
Yon solitary Highland Lass!
Reaping and singing by herself;
Stop here, or gently pass!
Alone she cuts and binds the grain,
And sings a melancholy strain;
O listen! for the Vale profound
Is overflowing with the sound.

No Nightingale did ever chaunt
More welcome notes to weary bands
Of travellers in some shady haunt,
Among Arabian sands:
A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard
In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
Breaking the silence of the seas
Among the farthest Hebrides.

Will no one tell me what she sings?—
Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
For old, unhappy, far-off things,
And battles long ago:
Or is it some more humble lay,
Familiar matter of to-day?
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,
That has been, and may be again?

Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending;
I saw her singing at her work,
And o'er the sickle bending;—
I listened, motionless and still;
And, as I mounted up the hill,
The music in my heart I bore,
Long after it was heard no more.

Answer the following questions in a paragraph in about 100 words:
1. Reaping and singing by herself;
       Stop here, or gently pass!
These lines are from “The Solitary Reaper" a lyrical poem written by William Wordsworth.  The poet is walking through a countryside and happens to see a girl.  The girl is reaping corn and singing a melancholy song alone. Anyone who comes across such a girl can have only two options: They should stop, listen to her song and enjoy. Or, they should gently pass her without disturbing her song. The poets love and care for beauty of the countryside is reflected here.

2. No Nightingale did ever chaunt
      More welcome notes to weary bands  (OR)
      A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard
      In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,

In these lines from “The Solitary Reaper"  William Wordsworth compares the song of the solitary reaper to that of Nightingale and cuckoo.  He says that her song is more enchanting than the song of the nightingale that solaces the tired travellers of the Arabian desert.  Similarly, the girl’s song is more thrilling than the song of the cuckoo, in the spring that breaks the silence of the seas. In reality, sorry to Wordsworth,  male cuckoo alone sings to attract the female for matching but, we all know,  beauty of poetry lies in lies.

3. Will no one tell me what she sings?
       Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow
         For old, unhappy, far-off things,
         And battles long ago:
Wordsworth writes these lines in his “ The Solitary Reaper” , when he guesses what the girl’s song may be about.  The poet does not know her language. But he is able to guess that it may be about old unhappy events or about ancient battles. He also supposes that it may be just about day-to-day matters.  Wordsworth means that language can never be a barrier to get delighted by a song. It is just as Keats says, “Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter.”

4. The music in my heart I bore,
      Long after it was heard no more.
These are the ending lines of “The Solitary Reaper” by Wordsworth. A melodious song is one that leaves lasting echoes in our heart.  After leaving the place, his ears heard the song no more but his heart carried it as a treasure.  Of course, the whole poem is “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquillity.”  For a long time, he enjoyed her song in silence, but now he has to 'gently pass' since she sings endlessly.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Experiment 5 : Making Polite Expressions

Target audience: Polytechnic English teachers and students in Tamil nadu and others.
M scheme : Life and
Employability Skills
Making Expressions of Politeness Used in Communication

1. Context: How will you greet your friend?
Hi Reshma, how are you? What’s new with you?

2. Context: How will you greet someone during a festival?
Wish you a happy Pongal / Diwali / Christmas / New year / Ramzan.

3. How will you congratulate someone on his success?
That’s great. I’m proud of you, Vinitha. Congratulations. (Or)
Congrats. You have made a big move. What about treat?

4. How will you compliment /encourage someone?
Vow. You look really smart in this dress. /
That’s a nice try. Go ahead.

5. How will you offer help to someone?
May I help you? / What can I do for you? / Would you like to have my pen?

6. How to make a request politely?
Could you please bring me your book tomorrow? /
Would you mind opening the window, please?

7. How will you express gratitude?
Thank you / Than you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot.
I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Mohan.

8. How to apologize?
I’m very sorry. That’s entirely my fault. / Please,  forgive me for my words the other day. / Sorry to bother you madam. Can I remit my exam fees tomorrow?

9.  How to make complaints politely?
Well, I’m afraid. I have something to say against your son./ I wish, you wouldn’t mind if I point out your mistake.

10. How will you politely look for information?
Excuse me. May I know which time Mumbai express arrives here? / Do you have any idea about this book?

11. How will you ask for somebody’s opinion?
Have you got any comments on Surya's recent movie? / How would you react to current political scenario in Tamilnadu?

12. How will you offer your opinions?
In my point of view, it’s wrong./ As far as I’m concerned, it makes no difference. / I’m of the opinion that he’s right.

13. How will you ask someone to repeat what they say?
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you./ Pardon sir./ I’m sorry. Would you mind saying that again?

14. How will you express your sympathy?
How unfortunate! Is he in hospital now? / You look upset. Has anything gone wrong? / I know how you feel. But don’t lose hope.

15. How will you offer your suggestions?
Why don’t we gift a watch? How about sending Ram in stead of Venkat? That sounds a nice idea. Why can’t we try it?

16. How to seek permission politely?
May I go now sir? / Would you mind if I leave early madam?

17. How will you express your likes / preferences?
I would take a taxi rather than a bus. / I would love to watch “Saravanan Meenakshy”. I prefer to walk. What about you?

18. How to express possibilities?
He may get distinction this time. / I’m afraid, he may not be at home now. / I would be surprised if he joins with us today.

19. How to make warnings politely?
Mind your purse. Pickpockets are all around. / You had better not go this way. / I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

20. How to invite someone?

We are planning to go to Agra. Why don’t you join with us? / I would be pleased if you could attend my marriage next week.

If you want more on this, use the powerpoint below:

Thursday 5 January 2017

“The Lion and The Lamb” – Questions and Answers

Target Audience: Polytechnic Teachers and Students in Tamilnadu
Subject: English-2, II YEAR MOP, M SCHEME
Objective: Students should be able to interpret and explain a content in English. 
Question Pattern in Exam: II. Answer any FIVE questions  each in 30 words : (5 x 2=10)
Eight questions from 4 lessons will be given in the exam and students should answer FIVE questions in 30 words.
1. Where, according to the advertisements, did the animals in Bostock and Wombwell come from? OR What does the author mean when he says that the homely English air quivered with the unfamiliar cries of Africa, Asia and America?
The animals in Bostock and Wombwell came from the forests of darkest Africa, the mysterious rivers of South America, the thick jungles of Asia and the seas around the Poles.  They started making sounds while bringing for the beast-show in England. So the writer says that the homely English air quivered with them.

2. Why did the boy’s mother tighten her grip on his hand and hurry him off down the hill?
When the writer was a boy, the mother showed him the place where the lion had escaped from the cage once.  So the boy’s mother tightened her grip on his hand and hurried him off down the hill.

3. How did the lion escape?
 It was a snowy evening and the snowfall was heavy.  Suddenly the horses carrying the lion’s cage slipped to their knees. The cage got crashed and the lion escaped into the darkness.

4. Who were the people who went in search of the lion as soon as it escaped? OR What weapons did the policemen and the natives use when they scoured the countryside?
When the escape of the lion was reported, the inspector, sergeant and two constables rushed with dozen natives in search of the lion. They used shotgun, pitchfork and walking stick during the search.

5. What does the author mean by “a superhuman feat of nocturnal engineering”?
Carrying the caged animals uphill especially on a heavy snowy evening is a Himalayan task.  But the travelling beast-show company did it.  So the writer refers to this as “a superhuman feat of nocturnal engineering”.

6. What did William Godbeer, the milkman say about the lion?
The milkman Godbeer told the writer’s mother that he, on his way, saw the lion’s tracks in Long's meadow.  But he was just adding to the rumours of the village.

7. But happily this was contradicted before noon. What was that?
 The mother’s neighbour Mrs. Whittle said that Mr. Cox heard from James that actually six lions escaped and ate whole sheep, later recognised to be a baby.  This rumour was contradicted before afternoon.

8. What did the town-crier announce about the lion?
The town crier announced on the street that the beast-show company Bostock and Wombwell had declared a reward of 5 pounds for anyone who gives information about whereabouts of the escaped lion.

9. What happened at the women’s Bible class?
In women’s bible class, a lean lady Miss. Rolls said that the lion might starve to death in such a snowy weather and being charitable Christians, they should leave some food for it.

10. Where was the lion found at last? OR What did the Vicar say about the lion? OR Then the joke of it suddenly struck all of them – what was the joke?
After two and a half days, at last, the lion is discovered in a jovial manner lying down before a fireplace near a Vicar named Mr. Lamb who has given two legs of pork to it as dinner. He has been reading the Bible to the lion.  The lion lying with Lamb is the joke.

Essay on “The Lion and the Lamb" by Leonard Clark

Target Audience: Polytechnic Teachers and Students in Tamilnadu
Subject: English-2, II YEAR MOP, M SCHEME
Objective: Students should be able to interpret and explain a content in English. 
Question Pattern in Exam: IV. Answer any one of the following in 200 words: (1 x 10 = 10 marks)
Three questions out of 4 lessons will be given in the exam and students should answer a question in 200 words.

“The Lion and the Lamb” is an essay from Leonard Clark, a well-known 20th c. British poet and biographer.  The writer here beautifully describes how a lion escaped from a menagerie, how the rumours spread out and finally how the lion was captured while lying with Mr. Lamb, a religious messenger.  What really happened is kept mysterious throughout the narration.

The Great Escape of Lion the Conqueror
Bostock and Wombwell is a travelling company known for its wild-beast show.  Once it came to the writer's village lying uphill.  It had a lot of wagons, horsemen and variety of animals from Africa, South America, Asia and the Poles, particularly a fierce lion, called as Conqueror.  It was a snowy evening and the snowfall was heavy.  Suddenly the horses carrying the lion’s cage slipped to their knees. The cage got crashed and the Conqueror escaped into the darkness.  Being reported, the inspector, sergeant, two constables rushed with dozen natives in search of the lion.  It became midnight but the lion could not be found.

The Rumours Spreading like Fire
The rumours about the whereabouts of Lion spread out like Fire.  The milkman Godbeer told the writer’s mother that he, on his way, saw the lion’s tracks in Long's meadow. The mother’s neighbour Mrs. Whittle said that Mr. Cox heard from James that actually six lions escaped and ate whole sheep, later recognised to be a baby. The town crier announced on the street that the company had declared a reward of 5 pounds for the informer. In women’s bible class, a lean lady Miss. Rolls said that the lion might starve to death in such a snowy weather and being charitable Christians, they should leave some food for it.

The Mystery Surrounding the Lion’s Capture
And two and a half days, at last, the lion is discovered in a jovial manner lying down before a fireplace near a Vicar named Mr. Lamb who has given two legs of pork to it as dinner. He has been reading the Bible to the lion.  The existence of Lion itself remains mysterious.  The writer says that the incident happened long before his birth. So he is not a witness. Why should the company come with a new lion during their next visit? Where was the lion during those missing days? Can anyone read the Bible to the lion? The lion’s existence, escape, and recovery all remain as interesting stories, probably mere rumours.

Experiment 3 : Environment

Target Audience: Polytechnic Teachers and Students in Tamilnadu

Subject: Life and Employability Skill Practical, M scheme, 4th and 5th Semester
Objectives: To improve the listening and writing skill of the students
Question Pattern in Exam: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks (5 marks)
Listen to the following passage read out to you and fill in the blanks with the exact words heard:
Environment, in broader sense, refers to everything around us both the living organisms, otherwise known as biotic components such as human beings, animals, birds, trees and plants and the non-living organisms, also called as abiotic components such as rocks, rivers, mountains and planets.  Environmental study chiefly focuses on how Nature works, how the different components of nature interact with each other and how we, as human beings, affect our environment.

Everything in nature is interconnected and interdependent, or at least exchange what they have, primarily for their survival and existence.   Plants, as we know, stand by soil, water, air and the sun light and identically human beings and animals are fed on by the same plants. What we breathe out that the trees breathe in and vice versa.  The earth itself comprises of four spheres to fulfill many of the requirements of lives on it, that is, the land surfaces of earth making Lithosphere offers minerals and materials for construction and agriculture, the water surface of the earth forming hydrosphere, remains elixir of all lives,  the air surface, recognized as atmosphere, in turn, featherbeds all forms of life and finally, various life forms on earth including micro organisms, collectively known as biosphere supplies the food we eat, the dress we wear and the transport we enjoy.

                What do you mean by natural resources?  Everything that is obtained from nature and is very beneficial and essential for lives on earth can be named as natural resources.  But what happens to these natural resources?  Man’s increasing demand depletes these resources in a much faster rate. For instance, the following deforestation rate would tear your heart out to know that it is 26% in 1985, but 50% in 2005 and the same, as researchers anticipate, would be 67% in 2020.  Nature is ready to renew its resources but man’s consumption is higher than nature’s replenishing rate. 

Deforestation leads to lack of rainfalls that affects agriculture that, in turn, questions the food supply to man who works his fingers to the bone to deforestation.  Thus the balance among four spheres is disturbed by man who thus, knowing or unknowingly, contributes to global warming, climate change and various forms of pollution which results in natural disasters such as tsunami, earthquake and cyclones. What mother earth has provided to man and what man has given in turn to her mother is the question that would awaken man to preserve the environment.
1.  Living organisms are otherwise known as biotic components.
2. Man’s consumption is higher than nature’s replenishing rate.
3. The water surface of earth forming hydrosphere remains the elixir of lives on earth.
4. Deforestation leads to lack of rainfalls that affects the agriculture.
5. But What happens to these natural resources?

You can also play the following video to understand more about environment: