Saturday 1 December 2018

Check Your Listening Skill (Exercise 1)

Listen to the content without seeing the transcript and answer the following questions :

1.What is the name of the persons in the conversation?
2.Where is the fossil of two-headed dinosaur discovered?
3.What is the meaning of the phrasal verb “take in”?
4.What is the topic of discussion by the speakers?
5.What do you mean by the phrase “feeling the pinch”?
6.How many national print newspapers are sold in the U. K a day?
7.Say any two advantages of digital news ?
8.Which university does Prof. Tim Luckhurst belong to?
9.What are the two qualities of a journalist as suggested by Tim Luckhurst?
10.What do you mean by “rant” and “chronicles”?
11.What is the name of the website associated with Alex Cox?
12.Alex Cox  uses the word “deceased “ to mean “sick “. Say true or false?
13.Why do advertisers choose Digital Newspapers rather than the traditional ones?
14.During which World War did newspapers publish short poems of the dead by their relatives?
15.Is Alex Cox a Professor at a university?

Tips : (Listening for a specific purpose) English Teachers may allow the students to read the questions first.  Then they can just play the audio without transcripts and make the students listen. They can play again later with transcripts while checking the answer. While playing again third time just with audio,  students can feel the difference in their improvement.