Monday 23 September 2019

George Bernard Shaw and His Dramas

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) is an Irish playwright, theater critic and music critic. In writing plays,  he is influenced by Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian Playwright known as the father of realism. His plays not only dealt with political and social issues but also his own philosophical ideas such as the theory of Life Force and Creative Evolution.  Shaw rejected the idea of Art for Art's sake and in his opinion, all art must be didactic.

Shaw's Dramas:

The "Plays Unpleasant"
1. Widower's Houses  - the theme of landlords of Slum Properties
2. The Philanderer - the theme of New Woman
3. Mrs. Warren's Profession - dealing with the Prostitution of the Society

The "Plays Pleasant"
4. Arms and the Man -a Comic Romance contrasting impractical idealism and pragmatic socialism
5. Candida - A woman's choice  between two men
6. You Never Can Tell - The gap between two generations

Three Plays for Puritans
7. The Devil's Disciple - set in America (questions of empire and imperialism)
8. Caesar and Cleopatra - set in Ancient Egypt (questions of empire and imp
10. Man and Superman - Shaw's interpretation of Creative Evolution
11. John Bull's Other Island - the relationship between Britain and Ireland
12. Marjor Barbara - ethical issues, on the one side arms manufacturer and Salvation Army on the other hand
13. The Doctor's Dilemma -  A tragedy dealing with Medical ethics
14. Getting Married
15. Misalliance

16. Fanny's First Play - Shaw's examination of Middle class British Society
17. Androcles and the Lion - a play for children dealing with nature of religion
18. Pygmalion -study of language and speech in society and personal relationship
19. Heartbreak House - Europe before war drifting towards disaster

20. Saint Joan - about 15th C Joan of Arc, a tragedy without villains
21. Back to Methuseiah - a series of 5 plays
22. The Apple Cart - about fictional King Magnus
23. Too True to be Good - Existential Crisis in Europe after First World War
24. On the Rocks - Written in the midst of depression after Hitler Came into power in Germany
25. The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles - Shaw's attempt to create Utopian society in Polynesian Island
26. The Millionairess -the story of Epifania a spoilt heiress and her search for suitor
27. Geneva - a meeting between three dangerous dictators
28. In Good King Charles's Golden Days or A true Histroy that never happened - a Shavian Restoration comedy
29. Buoyant Billions or a Comedy of No Manners - about a brash young man courting the daughter of an elderly billionaire

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