Tuesday 21 March 2017

Mind the Mind to Enrich your Mind!

Today’s English
March 22nd, 2017

Can you ever live without a mind? To know your mind leads to know yourself and to know the uses of the word “mind" is half the battle in spoken English.

1. If you want to give a warning to someone to be careful about something, you can use “mind" as a verb:

Mind your words. She is my sister.
Mind your ID card. It’s compulsory to enter the campus.
Mind your purse. It’s a brothel area.

2. The same word can be used when you want someone to take care of your things or kids and the like:
Please mind my bag for a moment. Let me go and get a water bottle for us.
Can you mind the baby /dog until I return from market?

3. I don’t mind = it doesn’t matter/no problem
Sorry, we don’t have extra chairs. I don’t mind. Let me stand.
I don’t mind whether he comes or not. I will leave by six.

4. If you use “would you mind" to make a polite request, never use infinitive after that -a common error by many.
Would you mind opening the window? (Not: to open)
Would you mind using your mobile for a moment? (Not: to use)

5. To make up your mind= to decide
I have made up my mind to wind up the business.
She made up her mind to divorce him.

6. If something is so exciting and impressive one, you can say that it is “a mind-blowing one.
His performance is always a mind-blowing one.
Vow! What a mind-blowing dance it is!

7. If you are in two minds, it means that you could not decide between two things, and if you have half a mind, you are not partly willing to do.
She is in two minds in going abroad.
I have half a mind to complain about him.

8. If something slips your mind, you forget it. If something brings/comes/sticks to your mind, you remember it.
The way he talked brought to my mind my childhood days.
His name slips my mind, it may be Arun or Aravind.

9. Keep an open mind = listen to new ideas/suggestions
Keep an open mind to him. I think, it will work out.

10. All in your mind= Not real, just in your imagination
There is nothing wrong with him. It’s all in your mind. Don’t worry about him.
There is nothing between me and Uma. Why do you suspect? It’s all in your mind.

“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their mind cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

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