Friday 21 July 2017

Do you have salad days or halcyon days now?

Today’s English
July 22nd,2017

If you have a good luck, good news or anything that makes you happy, you can say that it’s “your lucky day.”  Before congratulating your friends and relatives or delivering good news to them, you can use this expression. You can also say your joyful days as “heavenly days.”

1. It’s your lucky day Mr.Karthick. You’ve been selected for the trip to the U.S.
2. Today must be my lucky day, I’ve been receiving good news one after another.
3. The days I have spent with you all are the heavenly days in my life.

In opposite to the above, if you have a bad luck, bad news, or anything that makes you upset, you can say that it’s your bad hair day.  You can also use “dark days" to refer to days of extreme misfortunes”.

1. It seems, today is my bad hair day that everything goes wrong.
2. I’m very sorry Mr.John. It’s your bad hair day that you haven’t been selected for the next level.
3. These are the dark days and we have to pass through them with great patience and acceptance.

If you remember some remarkable days of the past which are no longer existing, you can try the phrase “bygone days". If those days had been quite successful particularly, go for the phrase “the glory days.”
1. Those are the bygone days when I used to burn the midnight oil by reading books of great writers.
2. The farewell party by students reminded her of her bygone days when she exchanged autographs with her friends.
3. Those are my glory days when I used to come first in all my participation.

If somebody’s or something’s “days are numbers”, it is implied that their chapter is going to end.

1. My days are numbered and it’s you who should take care of everybody and everything here.
2. His days are numbered and why can’t you try his place?
3. My mobile’s days are numbered and I have to look for something more advanced now.

If you have a peaceful period of time in your life, say that they are your “halcyon days".  This phrase has come into existence from the belief that the kingfisher-like halcyon bird used to calm the sea to lay and hatch her eggs on the floating nest.

1. Don’t bother about your present situations.  Everybody has their own halcyon days and you too will have them soon.
2. The days I spent there are the halcyon days and I’m greatly thankful to God for them.

Do you know what the phrase "salad days" means? It refers to the days on which you are young and inexperienced.

1. These are their salad days. Let them make fun and mischief as much as they like.
2. Your daughter is in her salad days. She needs your guidance and counselling now.

Father: Those are my bygone days when I used to gift a costly sari to your mom every month.

Son: Don’t you have those heavenly days now?

Father: Not at all! These are my dark days. Your mom throws at me hell fires each moment.

Son: Haven’t you really been peaceful now, dad?

Father : who said so? I have my own halcyon days whenever you go with your mom to your grandma’s house.

Son: I can’t understand why your life changed like this.

Father: Leave it. You are in your salad days and you can’t understand.

Mother (from kitchen): What did you say now…? Tell me again.

Son: Dad… your days are numbered now!

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