Sunday 9 July 2017

It’s neither a fish nor a fowl.

Today’s English
July 10th,2017

Life which itself is uncertain, now and then, makes us experience certain uncertain events.  There are thousand and one things of which you can’t be sure.  How to express uncertainties in English is certainly a matter of concern today.

If an incident is like one thing in some way and like another thing in other ways, in English, it is said , it is “neither a fish nor a fowl.”

1. We can’t really grasp what happened in hostel before dawn. It’s neither a fish nor a fowl.
2. Could you tell me what exactly happened? Sorry, I can’t. It’s neither a fish nor a fowl.

If you undergo an uncertain period of what to do next, you say that you are left “in limbo".

1. We don’t know what to do next and left the project in limbo for three months.
2. Until the court passes a verdict in this case, we have to be in limbo.

We also use the English expression “up in the air" when we are uncertain about something or if something is not yet decided.

1. The identification of the outsider is still up in the air since we don’t have CCTV camera.
2. Has he decided where to go? No, it’s still up in the air. (= Not yet decided)

Something you hear from another person but don’t know it to be true is mentioned by the term “hearsay" that is synonymous with rumour.  The phrase "rumour mill" refers to a situation in which a lot of people spread rumours about something.  But if you are sure that something is unlikely to be true and it is told only as an excuse or an explanation for something else, you can declare that it’s a cock and bull story. Then what the person sheds is only crocodile tears.

1. How can we take a decision or blame anyone  based on hearsay?
2. Don’t tell me any clock and bull story.  Tell me the fact.
3. It was a rumour mill that we were looking for evidence.
4. I doubt whether she is shedding crocodile tears.

“Always remember... Rumours are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.
- Ziad K. Abdelnour, “Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics”

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