Tuesday 25 July 2017

How long can you be in the la-la land?

Today’s English
July 26th, 2017

Here are some new words that may interest you a great deal.  They have found their entries into Oxford dictionary and therefore you needn’t  hesitate to use them in your day-to-day speech and writing.

1. Bromance

Meaning: a close but not sexual relationship between two men

A.The bromance of Ganesh and Sundar is known to everyone.
B. I hope, it’s only bromance and nothing more between them.

2. Truthiness (coined by American comedian Stephen Colbert)

Meaning: sounding true based on your intuition but may not necessarily be true.

A. Is it true that they are going to get married soon? It’s truthiness, rather than truth.
B. I like the truthiness in his statement but I can’t completely rely on it.

3. La-la land

Meaning: in a dream world

A. She talked / behaved as if she is in a la-la land.
B. If you are always in a la-la land, how will you come up in life?

4. Mini-me

Meaning: Someone looking / resembling the younger version of another person

A. Your little daughter is exactly your mini-me and speaks as brilliantly as you.
B. He’s my mini-me and in him I find the same spirit I had when I was young.

5. Screenager

Meaning: a person in teens or in twenties and has an aptitude for computer and the internet

A. He, a typical screenager, is always online and busy in chatting.
B. Whatever the doubt you have, you can ask Rahul, the best screenager in our group.

(Husband: See there! That boy is looking like my mini-me!

Wife: yes. That’s what I’m thinking over for a long time. Something is wrong. Tell me the truth.

Husband: …………..?!)

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