Saturday 13 May 2017

Let’s understand the word understand.

Today’s English
May 14th, 2017

1.hidden meaning of the word understand

Psychological experiments have proved that mind functions at between 0 to 40 frequencies. The more the frequency of your mind is (From 20 to 40), the more it will be emotional and the less it will understand what comes to it. The less your mental frequency is (From 0 to 19), the more you will be conscious, peaceful, powerful and the more your mind can understand what comes to it. 

For example, if a poet like T.S. Eliot has written a poem at the low frequency of his mind (8 or 10), the reader has to bend his mind to the same frequency (8 or 10) so that he can understand that poem. If the reader is capable of tuning up his mind below 8 frequency, he will be more conscious and powerful than T.S. Eliot and can understand still better. The same applies to listening to somebody’s speech, reading the books of great philosophers, etc. Stand + under has become “understand” that means stand under the frequency of someone to understand them.

2.The meaning of the word “intuition”

If any instruction, teaching of something, guidance of dos and don'ts comes from outside, it is called tuition.  If God instructs you from inside of you in the form of voice of truth, wisdom and consciousness, that is what the English word “intuition” (in + tuition) means.  Desire followed by temptation or any emotional state of mind often raises a wall against intuition. One who misses external tuition is an idiot outside, one who misses in-tuition is a sinner inside.

3.Of understanding the words mother-in-law and sister-in-law

When you use the hyphenation “-in-law", it means “by justice”, in truth, in fact and actually.  The word “mother-in-law” comes from middle English “modyr in lawe”. The implied meaning is that your mother-in-law is entitled with the same rights and responsibilities of your biological mother through the legal bondage of marriage. (Simply meaning, your mother-in-law is your mother by law). Similarly the term sister-in-law refers to the sister of a person’s wife or husband. It means that wife’s sister should not be taken the other way(?!) but only as a sister. If daughter-in-law takes her mother-in-law as mother, the eternal cat-and-rat enmity will come to an end. If husband looks at sister-in-law as sister,  charms of life and all verbal fun with sister-in-law will come to an end but cultural values will be preserved.

4.Obedience, discipline, loyal, faithful, patriotism = slavery

The term “slave” stands for one who obeys his master, follows whatever the master says, has no freedom of his own and cannot make his own decisions. The state of being a slave is called slavery. If you follow whatever your parents say, without having freedom to make your own decision, is it obedience or slavery?

Oxford dictionary defines the word discipline as “The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience.”  When you follow someone’s rules, instruction, order without any question, is it discipline or slavery?

When you are loyal to somebody, you are blindly faithful to them and give your constant support to them whatever they do. If you are faithful to your country and give your constant support to whatever it does, that is patriotism. Government and politicians have exploited these words the most. British colonization is a typical example. In the name of patriotism(love for one’s country), you are recruited in army where you have to obey the rules strictly, obey the order of your higher officials without any question, your questioning ability and freedom will be completely crushed. Is it patriotism or slavery?

Just because you are married to somebody, you have to follow wherever he goes, do whatever he says, cannot take your own decision and cannot do anything without his knowledge or permission. Is it a marriage or bondage? Is a wife a wife or a slave? Beware of these words - obedience, discipline, duty, patriotism, faithfulness and loyalty, which all mean slavery in the personal dictionary of many cunning people.

The following is the interpretation of Osho which, striking your heart, cannot be ignored:

“Obedience has a simplicity. Disobedience needs a little higher order of intelligence. Any idiot can be obedient -- in fact only idiots can be obedient. The person of intelligence is bound to ask, 'Why? Why am I supposed to do this? And unless I know the reasons and the consequences of it, I am not going to be involved in it. 
Obedience teaches you blindness.

Obedience teaches you unintelligence.

Obedience teaches you that “You don’t have any responsibility on your own, just follow the order!” – but the order is to kill people.

The man who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki – the pilot of the plane – killed within ten minutes more than two hundred thousand people, and he slept perfectly well in the night, with not even a little prick of conscience, that “What have I done?”

The next morning the pilot was asked by the journalists, “How do you feel?”

He said, “There is no question, I am feeling perfectly good that I followed the order.” 

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